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How We Help

Our values

Clear, straightforward communication sits squarely alongside our commitment to deliver legal services of the highest possible professional standard.

To help us achieve this, we apply deep experience, innovative thinking and the latest technology while respecting the traditions of the legal profession.

In a world of continual change, we will not compromise on delivering professional services of the highest quality.

Our approach

You approach us because you have a problem, in which case our job is to help you find the best solution.

Our approach is built around ensuring that clear, joint objectives are achieved.

Brymer Legal is, in most respects, a “virtual law firm”. Essentially, this is a law firm that does not carry traditional, fixed overheads but rather moulds resource around client needs.

We aim to make best use of quality thinking and internet technology to enable us to give clients best advice at a reasonable cost.

The relationship between lawyer and client is based on, amongst other things trust, reputation, dedication and expertise. These qualities do not depend on fixed overheads and are so often over-looked.

It is the relationship with the client that is at the centre of what we do.

How we charge

Our job is to achieve the most effective outcome for you at the most efficient cost. While we do take the view that the amount of time we spend helping you may be a factor in charging, it is not the only one.

We do not believe in fixing a fee based simply on how long something has taken to do. Our approach is to define the scope of the work involved and, wherever possible, agree a fee with you in advance.

Only where there is no other way of scoping the work, will we use hourly or daily billing and agree with you the rates to be applied.

In the absence of our written agreement to act for you for an agreed fixed fee, our fee will, primarily, be calculated on the basis of the time spent on it. You will be advised of our current hourly rates (excluding VAT at the prevailing rate).

In addition to time spent, other factors that are taken into account by us in determining our fees include the urgency, complexity, novelty, and materiality involved in the work in question.

If a matter does not proceed or you withdraw your instruction, the fees charged will reflect the work done and will be calculated by reference to the time that has been spent on the matter by the personnel involved.

In addition to our fees, we will re-charge to you all outlays and expenses incurred by us when undertaking work on your behalf. We may require you to put us in funds prior to incurring outlays on your behalf and/or, at our discretion, require you to pay directly to the third parties concerned.

Unless we opt otherwise, we will submit invoices to you on a monthly basis. Those invoices will be payable, in full, on presentation, failing which, we will do no further work until the position is regularised.

We will issue a Letter of Engagement with our Terms of Business at the commencement of a piece of work on your behalf.

How Can We Help?

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